Carpet 101

Step by Step Guide for Carpet Replacement
Picking new carpet for your home can be a demanding process, but you’re not in it alone! Ashley Phipps is an interior designer turned DIY and craft blogger who went through the process of picking new carpet for her home and documented the entire project, from the initial selection all the way through installation. We’re sharing…

The Best Carpet Fiber For Your Lifestyle
You want your home to look its best, but some days it seems like your family and pets are conspiring against you. Let’s face it, it’s not realistic to cordon off entire rooms only for guests or to ban all food from the den. Messes and wear are bound to happen. To find a carpet that…

4 Tips for Selecting Pet-Proof Carpet
If you have a pet at home, you’re in good company. More than 85 million households in America include at least one pet, and for good reason. These fuzzy, scaled, and feathered critters provide many benefits to their humans. While pets of every classification and breed provide companionship, lower our blood pressure and just generally…
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